Saturday, December 13, 2008

It was totally 2 straight atrocious days to go through. Just look at what I done... I had destroyed everything with my own hands. I can't get to sleep since yesterday night with millions of undesired thoughts running wildly through every part of my mind and heart. When I was about to slumber, I received a call with a dreadful news I wasn't expecting at around 11.30 am. I lost everything within a day. Even though it was just a game, I had felt the despair growing massively within me when I am already feeling quite desperate. Now I am worried and feeling upmost desperation. I've really and seriously regretted for being so bleak spoken. Now that I've regretted, its totally useless. I am really feeling very remorseful. It is like stabbing pains, and everything seems so hopeless.. I am feeling real bad. Nothing feels right to me now.. I am lost.. really lost. I've got no mood to eat my meals..

Dear, I'm really sorry. I can't be the perfect person. I'm utterly the worst. I don't deserve you loving me. I appreciate that you had think about me. And its also me who makes you feel unappreciated. To be honest with you, I had never regret about being together with you. For once you are my everything. For once I had feel that I am being loved by you. And never once I was understanding. And I know that you will never step afoot at this blog to read all this. I'm sorry. I hope you are alright. Sorry, I can't help worrying. And I don't have the courage to sms you anymore. Forgive me for what I had done.

I wish that I could end all these miseries.
Let it gone with the wind...

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爱。。。。 ?